Friday, November 15, 2013

Pantry Chick Pea Salad and Research Methods - you read it right!

Pantry Chick Pea Salad on a toasted bagel, served with a roasted red bell pepper. 
I had my favorite class today called… Darn, what was it? Research Methods...and I can't help but feel - !@#$%^&* - after each class I attend. I try to be positive and even practice Wonder Woman pose in the bathroom before I step into hell, but I simply cannot make myself interested in it.

Where am I going with all of this? Somewhere good actually. Sometimes the things we hate or fear the most, may be the solutions we seek. For example, I know that I hate Research Methods because I like the written word without numbers (italicized and bolded - I mean business!). At the same time, I think that working through difficulties, such as Research Methods for me at this moment, allows for reflection in regards to how one reacts to obstacles that are inevitable and natural in life.

I am still learning how to calm myself down when upset. How DO YOU handle loathing something?

Post Scriptum - I have gotten my midterm back today from the Research Methods class, and I was not crying about the grade I received. Although I wrote it the night before, I did well. I guess practicing Wonder Woman poses in the bathroom worked!  
Got bagels? Got Vegan Kitty Patrol (VKP) for life. 
Pantry Chick Pea Salad 

1 (15.5-oz can) chick peas, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon organic ketchup
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
1 to 2 tablespoons unflavored plant milk of choice or vegan mayonnaise
Lemon pepper to taste (I used lots!)
Sea salt to taste
1 tablespoon dried parsley (Add at the end)

Combine chick peas, ketchup, dijon mustard, onion powder, granulated garlic, plant milk, lemon pepper, and sea salt in a food processor, or a high-speed blender. Place in a bowl, add dried parsley and mix well. Taste for salt and serve. That's it!



  1. Looks delicious; I'll have to try this chickpea salad sometime! Best of luck with your research methods class; I love your idea of posing as Wonder Woman to prepare yourself!
