Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bueller??? and Recipe For Life

Guess what I am going to say next as you continue reading. Here it is: I can't believe how fast this school semester has gone by. After finals, there is one more semester left, and I am done with grad school…for now.

A wise fictional character and my hero, Ferris Bueller, once said: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I admit, I had a crush on Ferris.
Until recently, I have not been able to look around once in a while or ever, and I definitely missed out. For example, I used my struggle with social anxiety as the reason from getting to know people in school. I thought that it takes too much effort on my end to try, so why should I?

Now that I have been trying, I am going to tell you that it is worth it. There are awesome, and not so awesome - let's be honest - peeps out there. How will you know which ones are AWESOME if you don't try giving ALL a chance?

Recipe For Life

1/2 cup of bravery
1/2 cup of chance
Dash of humor
1 cup of trial and error, minced
2 cups of raw sweetness, to deal with challenges

Stop and look around to appreciate what you have. Use the ingredients to help you along the way. Happy living!

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